Tag: solidarity

ESC Video Story of our Volunteers

Cre-Acting Yourself, 1st Flow

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Words for Well-being: The Connection between an Efficient Communication and the Recovery Time of the Hospitalized Patients

Between March and July 2019, the Association for the promotion of creative-ecological education and innovative abilities implemented the first project since the beginning of the European Solidarity Corps program, with the help of two Romanian volunteers. Although the association has experience in European volunteering projects, “Words for Well-being” is a project was innovative because the…

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R.E.S.P.E.CT. (Responsibility, Education, Solidarity for People and Earth In Constanta)

Short description of the project: Time: 01/06/2018 – 30/09/2019 – 4 months long Place: Constanta, Romania – a big city near the Black Sea Coast The project will include 2 volunteers. We are looking for 1 volunteer from UE/SEE countries. The beneficiaries will be 10-18 years old students from 2 public schools and high-schools from…

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