Category: International Projects

They are all around you…

By Lukasz Mikelevich Majority of people reading this article will most probably be the citizens of the European Union. And ot is great. We often do not even appreciate how lucky we are to be born Europeans. I’ve been to Panama, met a lot of people there, I have some friends from the USA and…

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How to travel, live and work together with the same people all the time without a growing desire to murder each other?

By Alisa Kivirian There is no way. That’s it. Just kidding! Or am I?… Well, at one point you as volunteers, colleagues and friends will fight anyway, that is unavoidable. But what do you do when sitting on top of each other gets way too much? Buckle up, kids, I’m about to drop hot tips…

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What do You Do when You Feel like Quitting?

 – no actual tips, just a bit of complaining so people know it’s normal to feel troubled – Written by Alisa Kivirian Long-term volunteering project is taking months. Countless days and never-ending hours you get to spend working and living (not necessarily but) together with the same people. Same faces, same vibes, same features that…

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Why Romania? Weren’t there any Projects in Nicer Countries?

By Lara Bingger Living in Romania for more than two months already, I’ve come to experience a lot of new situations and connected to that as well emotions, some of which I expected, some I didn’t. But one thing really came as a surprise to me: The wish of having a different nationality. I had…

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This Wonderful Art of Caring

Imagine this: A girl is sitting on the train. Heading home for Christmas, travelling to meet a friend she hasn’t seen in a while, or maybe just travelling to get away. She sits there, thoughts occupied by happenings in her past, future. As most people do when they are travelling. As she sits there, she…

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To the Ones Who Don’ t Know What to Do with Their Lives

by Gesine Reinhardt Back when I was about to finish high school, all exams written and just waiting for the final papers to be in my hands, I felt a lot of relief. Finally, there was no need to be scared of black-outs, failure and sleep-deprivation anymore. In fact, I could do all the things…

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My Experience with Music and Emotions

By Lea Gerault “Music is the language of emotions” – Kant Language and emotions are automatically linked since all music is emotional. Of course, music has first an aesthetic function : all music is aesthetic; but not all music is necessarily expressive. However, not all music is expressive but all music is emotional. That’s also…

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Challenges of Self-Trust

By Alisa Kivirian “Look at yourself in the mirror. See who you truly are and repeat: I am enough. I can do it. Then hide it into your sock and whenever you feel like you are not believing in yourself enough, take it out and look into it again.” That’s what he said. He, one…

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Kids: aliens or humans?

By Alisa Kivirian The volunteering project I am taking part in is focused on working with kids and youth. So far we’ve been to about 3 or 4 different school and a day centre and met kids from 5 to 17. As a person who doesn’t have any siblings and haven’t had a chance to…

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How Teambuilding Activities Actually DO Bring People Closer Together

By Alisa Kivirian   First month when we arrived to Romania, we’ve been all put together. Living, working, hanging out. You and 5 random people you have no connection to. By sharing your daily routine and fighting over who left the dishes in the kitchen you get to know the visible superficial side of the…

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